Brand Manual

About this service

We design manuals that will give you the ideal usage guidelines for your brand image. Our goal is to create innovative, concise, and totally customized guides to help you stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition. We guarantee 100% professional, clean and creative results.

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Package Regular Prime Exclusive
Includes Logo Design
Brand Book Design
Logo Usage Guidelines
Color palette
Typography Guidelines
Do's and Don'ts
vector EPS Editable
Total $60


What are the requirements to get started?

To take our graphic design services, you must have the required information in each one. For example name of the brand, concrete ideas about what you want, and the logo and brand manual. You will probably need to fill out a form with precise information about the service to be provided. If so, it must be filled out in its entirety.

When can I see the first version?

Design jobs can be delivered within 24 hours after payment and the client's request. However, the work may take longer in some cases, so we suggest you check the plan you choose and if it fits your needs. In any case, you can contact our Advisor to clarify any doubts.

How long after the project is delivered can I request revisions?

You can request revisions or changes once you require them. Please note that any request will be attended to within working hours and working days.

What other support can you provide?

If there is a specific requirement that you do not find within our plans, you can contact us to let us know what you need. We will surely be able to help you!

How can I send you my Content (images, text, or theme)?

Any document or image required by our professionals to correct your work can send it to us via email. In some cases, it will be possible for you to upload these files directly in the forms available in our site's services.

How long after the project is delivered can I request revisions?

The revisions can be requested within seven days after we receive your work; after this time, we will understand that you are happy with your order, but please note that any request will be attended to within working hours.

Are you using templated designs?

No and never.i design business logo from scratch and i can assure you if you find any of the logo i provide a templated design or google image i will fully refund you.